Our Herd of Holland Lops
On this page, you can take a look at all of our breeders and get to know a little bit about each of them. When choosing breeders I try to get ones with a great personality and that have good confirmation so that with each litter we are raising good quality Holland lops. I try my best to ensure that each litter is healthy and that they will make great pets all of my current breeders are pedigreed!
Below is a list of all the current breeders I have. They are not for sale
Holland Lop Bucks

Color: BE Heavy VM Black
D.O.B: 1/7/24
Arlo is the newest addition to my herd. He is 3 months old and is the cutest thing he has beautiful blue eyes and a great personality! Arlo also carries chocolate so hopefully in the future we will have some chocolate kits!
Holland Lop Does

Color: BE VM Blue/Fawn Harlequin
D.O.B: 06/14/24
Opal was born in my rabbitry and I am excited to see what she will add to my program. She has the sweetest personality and is a very calm rabbit.

Color: Chestnut
D.O.B: 11/21/23
Holly has had a few litters for me and is a great mom. She is slightly shy but very cuddly after she warms up to you.

Color: Black/Orange Harlequin
D.O.B: 04/02/23
Meadow is a year and a half and is the newest addition to my program. She is a great mom and I'm excited for the colors she will add.

D.O.B: 08/04/24
Rhea is my newest grow-out. She is very sweet and has beautiful coloring.